February 26, 2016

My Autobiography

I'm back again! My name is Nathania. I'm known as a petite girl who has minus brown eyes. At campus I wear glasses, but when I go hangout or there's an event like wedding party or birthday party I wear softlenses. I have an oval and quite chubby face with straight black hair that used to be long, but I had it cut because the weather was too hot and I couldn't stand it. I'm Chinese by origin and it is inevitable that I am slanted eyed. I have fair skin. From the way I dress, I like to wear shirt and jeans at campus. But if I go to church or some big events like I've mentioned before, I usually wear formal dress. 
Anyway, I'm a cheerful girl, I can make friends easily in many places. Beside that, I have many dreams, I work hard to achieve those dreams and people will think that I'm ambitious. Somehow, I'm also a perfectionist girl who always wants to do my job with the perfect result. I will not stop doing things until they're perfect.When my friends got sick or when they needed help I will do my best to take care of them, I will ask them why they don't come to campus or anything based on the situation.      
Beside my positive character, I also have some weaknesses. I get tired and upset easily. Being upset if there's something that is not good enough or there's some problems with my family or my friends. Now, I'm trying to change my bad characters and improve my good characters so I can be a good God's child and glorify His name by my life.

February 19, 2016

Journal 1

Hello! This is my first journal.
From my writing class, I have learned how to write a good writing. I knew that it wasn’t easy to write a good writing, but writing was very important so we need to learn it well.
I liked the idea of this writing class. It was fun and challenging to write and submit our assignment on this blog.
So far, I have practiced my writing skills by making this blog and wrote my short introduction titled "First Trial" and my unique experience titled "An Unforgettable and Complicated Bazaar" and now I'm writing my third post about my journal 1.
When I was in the class from the first meeting up to the third meeting I've learned about nouns, pronouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, and adverbs. It was so good that I got this kind of topics again that reminded me about my English materials in senior high school.
From what I’ve written in this blog, I also learned some new vocabulary that support my writing and I learned how to write a good writing with the right grammar.
When I posted my writing, my friends and my lecturer gave comments and it made me realized that I still need to improve my writing. I hope I can improve about the details of my story, the storyline, how to express my feeling, my vocabulary and my grammar.

February 8, 2016

An Unforgettable and Complicated Bazaar

On January, 29th 2016, my friends and I went to Tunjungan Plaza to attend a bazaar named "Local Fest". The organizer of this bazaar was directly from Jakarta and they went to Surabaya for their first bazaar in another town.
We were very excited because we saw the promotion post on instagram that there were some celebrity tenants and the guest stars were very interesting. As soon as we finished the class, Lala, Rere, Catrin and I went there.
After we arrived, we directly went to the Convention Hall on the 5th floor. We were very surprised because the place was still dark and very quiet. But we were very curious so went in and suddenly the crew approached and told us whether we want to enter the bazaar or not. We replied "Of course yes, if not why we were here?" Then they told us to buy the tickets or if we didn't want to, we should download the "sponsored" application called "Kesles". We told them that we didn’t have enough kuota to download that application, so they gave us a free wifi connection *YEAY*. Luckily we could download the application and change the ticket from the application into the real one. Then finally we went in. When we went in, we were surprised again because the bazaar still wasn't ready yet. It was 11 am and they haven't got ready. Humph. After we went around the bazaar for a while, we decided to go to another place first.
On 12.30 pm finally we went back to the bazaar and once again the crew told us to buy the ticket or download the application. We explained that we had done that and then showed them our ticket and finally we could enter the bazaar.
By that time the bazaar was ready and we bought lots of food. This was one of the most unique experience in my life. For my first time went to a bazaar in Surabaya that we should pay or download the application and it showed that the procedure was quite complicated and also my first time went to a bazaar that still wasn't ready yet at due time. I felt so happy and thankful because I had my friends that always beside me in every situation and I thank God because we could enjoy this unique experience together and had fun :D

By the way,  these are some photos that I captured with my phone:

Raden Food from  Raffi Ahmad's booth. 

Greentea Ice Cream from Re Cremeur

Lala, Catrin, Rere and I on the photobooth
Thanks for reading this post and see you on the next post

February 5, 2016

First Trial

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog :)
My name is Nathania Verina, my nickname is Nia.
I'm 18 years old now, and I'm taking English Education as my major in Widya Mandala Catholic University
I'm the only child in my family.

Actually I write this blog for my writing class and for my assignment

Except from this blog, you can also find me on instagram, twitter and snapchat.

Besides studying, I also have a side job that is online shop on instagram..
I sell imported snacks and I really enjoyed selling things :p

This is short introduction about me
Stay tune in this blog, see you! :D